Blend Your Local Expertise with Scalable Operational Excellence

Automatically act on all lead and service opportunities – at just the right time thanks with our automated systems.

More Service for your Customers, More Business for You

33.9 %

Increase in customer loyalty

19.2 %

Increase in revenue per customer

128 x

ROI when measuring our added revenue to costs

Boost your valuable resources

Give your hard-working team the best possible digital support

Implement Veact to automate back-office processes and free up valuable time for face-to-face interactions with your customers.

Drive measurable revenue from digital interactions

Build and grow loyalty and steady service and after-sales revenues from existing customers.

Make service processes more convenient

Reduce the workload for your teams and simplify processes for customers through automation for workshop appointments and instant car recognition.

From patchwork to synergy

Customer care that manages itself

  • Always the correct information at your fingertips thanks to advanced customer data cleansing and enrichment tools
  • Approach your customers with the highest level of professionalism in sales, marketing and service interactions – our software does the job for you
Ensure a Seamless Experience for Your Customers.

Maximise after sales and service revenue

  • Consistent, high-quality yet time-efficient approach to long-standing, new and potential customers that reliably generates revenue
  • Precise and intuitive reporting on Veact’s performance and results

Tailor-made for local dealerships

These features make your life easier every day – and delight your customers.

    Data Quality Management,

    including data validation, matching, enrichment

    Creation of Accurate 360° Customer Profiles

    to build target segments and identify revenue and service opportunities

    TISAX and GDPR

    assurance – compliant and hassle-free

    Workflow & Journey Builder

    with intuitive Drag & Drop-interface

    Automate customer engagement

    on the right channels at the right time with personalised messages, based on lead and upsell signals

    Engage your customers

    via personal touches and scalable campaigns

    Fast and easy connection

    to all relevant sources of customer, vehicle and dealership information

    Automatic import and updating

    of relevant customer, vehicle and dealership information, including real time data

    Automatic validation, cleansing, deduping

    and matching of imported data

    Success Story

    Bringing Customer Communication into the Digital Age

    How the Fuhrmeister car dealership achieves exceptional customer service and a nearly 9-fold RoI thanks to smart digital solutions.

    Ready to Speed up Sales & Service Revenues and Customer Engagement?

    Knowing your customers is the fuel that drives any your revenue engine. And our platform serves as a neutral, data-discrete player in the process.