Grow Customer Value – Across the Lifecycle

Build accurate, value-generating 360° customer profiles from combined OEM, NSC and dealership data

The numbers, speak for themselves

> 2.5 bn

EUR for OEMs and NSCs in focus revenue

> 30.000

personalised campaigns per year

> 230 m

invoices analysed

When Data is Put to Work, Success Follows

Having Accurate Customer Data is Like Magic

Create and foster a unified customer database – a reliable foundation for your sales and marketing performance.

Turn Guesswork into Actionable Insights

Gain unprecedented customer and campaign insights to improve your sales and marketing with real-time reports and analyses.

Provide and Enforce Brand Guidelines across all Dealership Campaigns

Deliver a globally consistent brand experience -– customised to your local market requirements.

Make dealing with you a pleasure

Improved Customer Experience Drives Customer Loyalty

  • Consistent and unified brand experience increasing customer loyalty by 33.9 percent
  • Personalised interactions delivered at the right time, in the right place and the right channel
  • Faster customisations to the specific target market, without jeopardising brand consistency
From patchwork to synergy

Improved After Sales Revenue

  • High impact campaigning thanks to accurate 360° customer profiles from dispersed data
  • Make quick and concise adjustments on the fly thanks to precise reporting on campaign performance and results
  • Measurable results – guaranteed

Take advantage of Veact’s unique features

An insider’s look at the heart of our software – and what it can do for you.

    Data Quality Management,

    including data validation, matching, and enrichment

    Creation of true 360° Customer Profiles

    to build target segments, and identify revenue and service opportunities

    TISAX and GDPR-certified

    thanks to advanced data security and privacy protection algorithms

    Fast and easy connection

    to all relevant sources of customer, vehicle and dealership information

    Automatic import and updating

    of relevant customer, vehicle and dealership information, including real time data

    Automatic validation, cleansing, deduping

    and matching of imported data

    Business visibility:

    Daily up-to date reporting, analytics and actionable insights tailored to your needs

    Always on:

    Access your reports whenever and wherever you are

    Insights that matter:

    Benchmark your brand and sales & marketing campaigns or dealerships

    Workflow & Journey Builder

    with intuitive Drag & Drop-interface

    Automate customer engagement

    on the right channels at the right time with personalised messages, based on lead and upsell signals

    Bidirectional interactions

    between dealerships and customers via personal touches and scalable campaigns

    Success Story

    How to Breathe New Life into Inactive Customers

    See how an innovative partnership enhances OEM aftersales marketing, boosts customer loyalty, and achieves impressive campaign results as well as a 72x ROI.

    Ready to Speed up Sales & Service Revenues and Customer Engagement?

    Knowing your customers is the fuel that drives your revenue engine. And our platform serves as a neutral, data-discrete player in the process.