More Sales and Productivity thanks to Veact’s Automotive Marketing Platform

How Fuhrmeister delivers exceptional customer care – thanks to smart digital solutions


profit margin per €1 invested in Veact

12 %

productivity increase in the workshop

300 %

increase in connected car sales since the Veact launch

Bringing Customer Communication into the Digital Age

Nobody at Fuhrmeister car dealership was really happy with the management of customer letters for MOT tests, inspection and service notifications.

The process was time-consuming and cumbersome: Excel lists had to be generated from the dealer management system (DMS), edited manually, inserted into advertising material and sent via post. One employee would often spend one or two days just mailing out the letters – time that could be put to much better use elsewhere.

Moreover, it proved impossible to check or analyse campaigns, which made the entire process inefficient and confusing.

Our Solution: The Veact Automotive Marketing Platform

Thanks to our platform Fuhrmeister always has up-to-date customer information at their fingertips, and our smart process digitisation and automation help their team service customers more efficiently and successfully.

Roll-out of the Veact Digital Strategy

Transitioning to the Veact Automotive Platform helped Fuhrmeister optimise and automate its customer service processes. Nowadays, the creation and mailing of monthly MOT test and service notifications as well as Jaguar Land Rover marketing campaigns are processed entirely via the Veact Auto Journey multichannel marketing automation software.

In addition, the Veact Insights reporting module continuously provides information about customer satisfaction, campaign performance and quality, as well as mail validation including the identification of hard and soft bounce cases. This information wasn’t previously available to the dealership.

Another important highlight is the seamless integration of Fuhrmeister’s external call centre provider into the Veact platform, which has substantially improved customer experience and service quality during customer calls. As soon as customers have indicated their number plate or phone number, the phone agent has full access to all relevant customer and vehicle information.

An Investment that has Paid Off Big Time

Veact’s process digitisation and automation helps everyone work more efficiently and successfully.

9x Return on Investment (RoI)

By using the Veact platform, the dealership achieved an impressive contribution margin of almost €9 for every €1 invested in Veact, highlighting the efficiency and effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

Skyrocketing Campaign Response Rate

The average campaign response rate increased from 17 to 45 per cent, with the Connected Car campaign performing particularly strongly. The high response rates contributed to a 4x jump in sales.

300% Increase in Connected Car-related Revenues

The implementation of the Veact platform led to a quadrupling of revenue, demonstrating how effectively the digital strategy supports business growth.

“Veact’s digital strategy has simplified our processes. Our productivity has increased by 12% and the team is having a lot more fun.”

Mike Stumpf, Sales Manager at Autohaus Fuhrmeister

Ready to Start Your Own Success Story with Us?

Want to increase sales and profits in your dealership and make your customers and team happier? Get in touch and find out what our platform can do for you.